Removal Instructions fleas, lice for 1 month old kitten

1. Get a basin of warm water to wet cat slowly, Using a wet sponge coat surfaces for kittens . Use the type of children's shampoo massage lightly onto the fur of cats ,  use hand rubbed gently on the surface of cat fur . To raw soap on body cats 30-90 seconds for fleas suffocated.

2. Bathe the cat again with clear water. Use a towel to dry wipes for cats and for cats in a warm place.

3. Sprinkle baking soda on the body cat . to help dry cat thoroughly . This will dehydrate any fleas yet. Then make it permeable chalk down coat cat.

4. Then use a comb to comb out fleas and flea eggs.

5. mix a spoonful of lemon juice to a cup of water then let into the spray bottle. spray up your cat, lemonade mixture will repel fleas and not harmful to your cat.

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